July 30, 2009


Twitter has come up eighty or so times this week. Can I just say how annoyed I am by the word “tweet”? In most cases I have no problem embracing change, I’m all for advances in technology, but I simply cannot jump on the Twitter bandwagon. Call me old school, whatever, I don’t think we should abandon grammar and complete sentences. I don’t think we should all communicate in some foreign abbreviated manner. Over the last few years we’ve been dumbed down enough by reality tv, lack of real news, etc. Do we really need something that makes us appear more foolish? Are we all suffering from ADHD? I suppose there are a few instances where it can be beneficial. Like last year, a friend was evacuated from her home because of a hurricane. She was able to keep friends and family updated via Twitter. I set up an account so I could keep tabs on her status. I haven’t used it since.

Eh, what do I know? I don’t even text. It’s too time consuming, I have an archaic Razr, by today’s standards, anyway. The only way I could see myself texting is if I got a phone with a qwerty keyboard. Otherwise, it’s much simpler to hit a couple buttons speak a few words and go about my business. It beats fumbling and scrolling through the alphabet and wasting seven minutes of my day.

Again, I must be old school.

Before I’d get terribly irritated when there’d be a fellow driver not paying attention – swerving, can’t pick a lane, driving 10 mph below the speed limit - you know the deal? Nine out of ten times the moron was on a cellphone. Now, I encounter the same behavior twice as often, half on their phones just as before, but now the rest of the asshats are texting. It’s unbelievable. Maybe they’re tweeting? I nearly caused an accident. Teehee.

In other news, on Monday, I ordered the Canon Powershot D10 I’ve been drooling over for the last few weeks. I planned to order it a couple times before, but stuff kept popping up and the extra cash was spent elsewhere. This week funds were available, I found a great price on some random camera site so I went ahead and bit the bullet. I had high hopes that it would arrive before Amy and Nicky leave. I wanted to get underwater shots of Nicky. Yesterday, they sent an email stating there was an issue. I called today much to my disappointment the camera is on back order, they expect it won’t ship for six weeks. I cancelled the order. I don’t want to wait. It figures it was a great price, fifty bucks less than anywhere else. I think I’ll shop around more, maybe I’ll get lucky and find a deal for a camera in stock? We shall see.

And to make today, just that much greater, the air conditioning at the office died around noon. It is 103-degrees currently, almost ninety inside. Lovely.


Unknown said...

Well, at least you had a nice dinner last night :-) Enjoy your camera! Hubby just dropped his fancy-pants camera and sent it back - hoping they'll fix it under warranty. There's a reason I use cheapies ;-)

Hurricane Mikey said...

I'm in 100% agreement about twitter. It's a complete waste of time and energy, along with being the pinnacle of stupid.

I deleted my account a few days ago. I found that it had absolutely no utility for me.

Christine said...

i'm so with you about twitter. no tweeting, no texts, and i don't facebook either. old school for sure.

Kellee said...

I saw the camera in person over the weekend. I definitely want it. It's worth the hassle, now to decide... wait and save cash or spend a little more to get it quick.

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who doesn't use Twitter.

I was slow to join the masses but I did jump on the facebook bandwagon. It's been good to keep in touch with friends and family who don't blog or email.