2015 is finally behind us. I feel like I need a T-Shirt that says "I survived" or at least a button. It was a pretty shitty year, and the hits kept coming until the very end. These past two years have been the pits, they have been my most challenging to date. Frank and I have each lost a parent. I've battled chronic pain and depression. I've spent much of this year healing.
Just when I thought we were in the clear, Frank was hospitalized for two days after experiencing severe stomach pain. When I brought him to the emergency room, they found a marker for a blood clot. His heart rate was elevated and his blood sugar was 300. They fast tracked testing for fear of a pulmonary embolism. Thankfully, the CT Scan found no clot, but rather revealed pancreatitis. He was given antibiotics and then admitted. He received fluids, insulin and was monitored for nearly 48 hours. He was feeling much better, though weak. They upgraded his diet from clear fluids and he was able to tolerate solid food so he was discharged about 5 o'clock on New Years Eve. He is a now a diabetic. His habits must change. His meds need tweaking, he's rekindling his love of salad and soups. His diet is a bit tricky, for now, he needs low fat (pancreas), low sugar/carb (diabetes) and plenty of fluids.
2015 can definitely suck it, but among the lows, there are a great number of highs. Frank and I have weathered many storms, but we stand by each other through thick and thin. We love each other for better or worse and in sickness and health. We bought a house, that's beginning to feel like home. My travels were rather limited and Frank took many solo trips, but we did manage visits together to Mexico, San Francisco, Denver, and Austin. Plus, we made a couple quick getaways to Los Angeles and San Diego. Let's not forget our incredible staycations at Cosmo and Caesar's Titus Villa.
I never would have dreamed this time last year, that we'd share a roof with my sister & her family. Or that I'd have a second niece on the way. I never would have guessed I'd spend Easter and Christmas with my dad, nor have him visit for a total of five weeks. We even had visits from Frank's mom and brother this year. Now more than ever I understand that family is dear.
Above all, this year has taught me to persevere -- I think Frank learned not to piss off his pancreas. Perhaps, you can't fully appreciate happiness without sadness or pleasure without pain. You simply must stall tall, no matter what life throws at you.
That said, please let 2016 be kinder!
And now for the annual year in review:
Best Bite - Bone Marrow, Searsucker
Biggest Surprise - Korean BBQ & Rolls
Reliable - Mariscos Playa Escondida
Favorite - Sage
Greatest find - Inyo
Eager to Return - Cleo
Greatest Splurge - Guy Savoy
RIP - David Clawson
Life changing - Russian River Brewing Company; Santa Rosa, CA
Best eats - Austin. From BBQ to food trucks; it's outstanding.
Most disappointing - Denver eats
Most relaxing - Al Cielo; Xpu-ha, Mexico
Biggest regret - Not taking my mom to California this summer like I planned.
Hope to do more - For the second year, Off-roading. I've not been since May 2014. Sad, very sad.
Best Song - This was a dreadful year for music, was it not? Let's go with Someone New, Hosier.
Best Album - Jekyll & Hyde - Zac Brown Band. I'm reaching here.
Best TV Show - Tie: Better Call Saul & Fargo
Best Concert - SOJA at Red Rocks
Best Movie - The Big Short